Student Success Coaching Model: Review of Key Elements

Student Success Coaching Model: Review of Key Elements

February 23, 20223 min read

In our past five blogs we have introduced various facets of incorporating a Student Success Coaching Model into your PA Program. In today’s blog, we provide a summary of all the components and working parts that make this model so effective for both avoiding PA education struggles and coping with remediation needs for PA students experiencing academic difficulties.

Programs that wish to begin practicing the Student Success Coaching Model should:

  1. Facilitate a prematriculation program. This includes identification of students requiring completion of this program prior to the first day of classes. In addition, identifying which students should complete such a program would be within the realm of the Academic Succes Coach in collaboration with the admissions process.

  2. Facilitate and oversee the test self-analysis process. All students who achieve less than 75% on an exam will be required to self - analyze his or her test. After analyzing the incorrect responses students will meet with the specific faculty member to process the results. 

  3. Provide training for new faculty regarding student success remediation skills.

  4. Review the program’s remediation process for efficacy each year based on analysis of student performance longitudinally

  5. Annually provide a series of sessions on student study skills to students during their first semester. These sessions would cover learning styles, organizational skills, time management, metacognitive skills, high-impact study skills, and test-taking skills.

  6. Provide skills sessions about formative independent study skills and test-taking techniques prior to the clinical year. These sessions are intended to facilitate students transitioning to clinical year testing for nationally standardized examinations, such as EORE, PACKRAT, and the PANCE.

  7. Meet with each student determined to be within the “at risk”, “critical risk”, or “fail” category after PACKRAT I. This requires developing an academic improvement plan as a student begins the clinical year.

  8. Meet with each student not achieving the minimum score on EORE after each rotation. These sessions provide test-taking remediation and focused study methods to better enhance success.

  9. Develop and implement academic improvement plans for students on academic probation. All students on academic probation are required to meet with the Academic Success Coach at least three times per semester to better monitor student progress toward achieving compliance.

  10. Facilitate study plans during the second year to prepare students to immediately take the PANCE after graduation.

  11. Review the parametric analysis of nationally standardized examinations to develop a risk modeling process, allowing the program to identify students who require intensive tutoring prior to graduation. This proven system can result in 100% pass rates if properly implemented.  

Finally, it is important to stress that these services are not intended to replicate specialized institutional services for students needing accommodation, counseling, and/or other professional services beyond the scope of an academic program.

For more information on the subject of Student Success Coaching Model, Massey & Martin, LLP offers webinars and workshops on Student Success and Remediation. We offer in-depth explanation, training, and documentation examples for the Student Success Coaching Model as well as other valuable skills for PA Program directors and faculty. Our webinars are always free.

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Student Success Coaching Model: Review of Key Elements

Student Success Coaching Model: Review of Key Elements

February 23, 20223 min read

In our past five blogs we have introduced various facets of incorporating a Student Success Coaching Model into your PA Program. In today’s blog, we provide a summary of all the components and working parts that make this model so effective for both avoiding PA education struggles and coping with remediation needs for PA students experiencing academic difficulties.

Programs that wish to begin practicing the Student Success Coaching Model should:

  1. Facilitate a prematriculation program. This includes identification of students requiring completion of this program prior to the first day of classes. In addition, identifying which students should complete such a program would be within the realm of the Academic Succes Coach in collaboration with the admissions process.

  2. Facilitate and oversee the test self-analysis process. All students who achieve less than 75% on an exam will be required to self - analyze his or her test. After analyzing the incorrect responses students will meet with the specific faculty member to process the results. 

  3. Provide training for new faculty regarding student success remediation skills.

  4. Review the program’s remediation process for efficacy each year based on analysis of student performance longitudinally

  5. Annually provide a series of sessions on student study skills to students during their first semester. These sessions would cover learning styles, organizational skills, time management, metacognitive skills, high-impact study skills, and test-taking skills.

  6. Provide skills sessions about formative independent study skills and test-taking techniques prior to the clinical year. These sessions are intended to facilitate students transitioning to clinical year testing for nationally standardized examinations, such as EORE, PACKRAT, and the PANCE.

  7. Meet with each student determined to be within the “at risk”, “critical risk”, or “fail” category after PACKRAT I. This requires developing an academic improvement plan as a student begins the clinical year.

  8. Meet with each student not achieving the minimum score on EORE after each rotation. These sessions provide test-taking remediation and focused study methods to better enhance success.

  9. Develop and implement academic improvement plans for students on academic probation. All students on academic probation are required to meet with the Academic Success Coach at least three times per semester to better monitor student progress toward achieving compliance.

  10. Facilitate study plans during the second year to prepare students to immediately take the PANCE after graduation.

  11. Review the parametric analysis of nationally standardized examinations to develop a risk modeling process, allowing the program to identify students who require intensive tutoring prior to graduation. This proven system can result in 100% pass rates if properly implemented.  

Finally, it is important to stress that these services are not intended to replicate specialized institutional services for students needing accommodation, counseling, and/or other professional services beyond the scope of an academic program.

For more information on the subject of Student Success Coaching Model, Massey & Martin, LLP offers webinars and workshops on Student Success and Remediation. We offer in-depth explanation, training, and documentation examples for the Student Success Coaching Model as well as other valuable skills for PA Program directors and faculty. Our webinars are always free.

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